Institute of New Technologies Association
Poland, Lodz
Association Institute of New Technologies has been established to promote new technologies, innovations, enterprises and new investments in Łódź and its region. Institute undertakes social and business projects, organizes conferences, trainings, meetings, as well as business and strategic consulting. Its members include representatives of business, media as well scientists. Many projects are realized on the principle of partnership with economic institutions, specialized organizations and enterprises. The Institute supports small, medium and big enterprises in promoting their innovative products and services. We implement many local, regional, national and international projects. We have extensive experience in working with young people with whom we have been cooperating for a long time, implementing many projects for them. There is a Eurodesk point and a Europe Direct point at the Institute, where we conduct a dialogue between the community, Europe and the EU.

Turkey, Antalya
GFD is a non-governmental, non-profit and non-political organisation. Its main purpose is to promote, support, develop and use efficiently the human talent and capital to improve living conditions through the development of society in terms of economic, social, educational, cultural, sports, environmental, tourism and entrepreneurship. The starting point in achieving its purpose is innovation and promoting best practices in lifelong teaching/learning/assessment process through national and transnational research and cooperation with training providers and other stakeholders. This is organization, which creates opportunities forpeople whowould like to be an active, try and learn something new and gain new experience and knowledge for personal and professional development.

The Nuwa Group
France, Paris
The Nuva is a social entrepreneurship support center which facilitates workshops for companies to incorporate social entrepreneurship into their businesses. Boosts the sustainability of local producers by organizing fairs to sell and promote their products. Nuwa with Ali as leader of the tasks is a mentoring and coaching hub for entrepreneurs through the Young Entrepreneurs network. Young professionals can come from abroad to job shadow and form partnerships with the potential of future collaboration. Nuwa assists in writing business projects which are ideal for people with an appetite for initiative and entrepreneurship but with no experience in business studies. Functions as training provider for young entrepreneurs on how to improve their marketing and sales strategies